1 CD
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Label Antarctica |
UPC 0608917735123 |
Catalogue number AR 051 |
Release date 07 July 2023 |
In 1938 opende het naziregime tijdens de Reichsmusiktage in Düsseldorf een tentoonstelling rond muziek met als thema: ‘Entartete Musik’. Ze verzamelden voorbeelden van wat in hun ogen gedegenereerde muziek was: jazz of 'Nigger-Musik', de atonale uitingen van de Tweede Weense School, muziek van Joodse componisten, 'muziekbolsjewisme'.
Gustav Mahler, Kurt Weill, Hanns Eisler, Mischa Spoliansky; het waren maar enkele namen op de lange lijst van verdorven componisten. Tal van musici en componisten voelden de bui begin jaren dertig al hangen en emigreerden tijdig naar het buitenland, waar ze vaak weer van nul moesten beginnen. Anderen werden gedeporteerd naar één van de concentratiekampen, of, als ze meer ‘geluk’ hadden, naar het modelgetto in Theresienstadt.
Daar bood de muziek een welkome afleiding van de barre omstandigheden en de continue angst. Het grootste deel van hen kwam uiteindelijk om, en allen werden ze na de oorlog bijna vergeten.
During his own time, Gustav Mahler was considered as one of the major conductors of Europe, but nowadays he is considered to a major composer who bridged the Late Romantic period to the modern age.
Few composers are so connected with the symphonic repertory as Gustav Mahler. Composing symphonies was his "core business": in every aspect he developed the symphony towards, and sometimes even over, its absolute limits. Almost all of Mahler's symphonies are lenghty, demand a large orchestra and are particularly great in their expressive qualities. With rustic and mythical atmospheres (the start of the First Symphony), daunting chaos (the end of his Sixth), grand visions (end of his Second), cheerful melodies (opening Fourth), romantic melancholy (the famous adagio of his Fifth), evocations of nature (his Third), megalomanic eruptions in the orchestra (his Eighth), and the clamant atonality of his unfinished Tenth, Mahler's musical palette seemed inexhaustible.
His symphonies are captivating, but some could find it a bit 'over the top' at times. For those, his orchestral songs could undoubtedly show there is an incredibly subtle and refined side to his compositional style as well.
In the Netherlands, Mahler is particularly popular due to its close bond with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, which was already established during his lifetime!